Sheila Schmutz's Genealogy & Genetics Pages

Joe & Sheila Schmutz, R.R. 2 Site 202 Box 123, Saskatoon, SK Canada S7K 3J5

This webpage was last updated on June 4, 2023

Note that the provider that hosted these webpages folded in late May 2023, and so migrating them to this new provider will be occurring into June.

Table of Contents

Coat Color Genetics Based on My Lab's Research and Others

Genealogy Pages in Support of Y DNA Tested Men

Local History and Genealogy Pages about Saskatchewan Places

  • Sheila Schmutz, PhD was a Professor at the University of Saskatchewan for over 30 years. She taught genetics and her research lab focussed on developing molecular genetic tests for dogs and cattle. She has enjoyed genealogy as a hobby.
